At Inmobiliaria EPG, we offer you all the services that we believe may be necessary for our clients, always in the hands of the most qualified professionals.

  • Comprehensive Real Estate Advice
  • Registration in Tourism Register of the Junta de Andalucía of your holiday home and management of all the necessary procedures for the start of the activity
  • Tax and Accounting Advice
  • Processing of N.I.E. for foreigners
  • Valuations and Real Estate Appraisals
  • Management and processing of mortgage loans
  • Commercialization of properties of Banking Entities
  • Processing of Deeds (Notary, Taxes, Capital Gains, Prop. Registration, etc.)
  • Home insurance
  • Energy efficiency certificates
  • Promotions and Constructions
  • Technical Projects
  • Urban Licenses
  • Topographic Surveys
  • Works and Reforms